• Baku Flame Towers

    Two Days in Baku and its Surroundings

    With one foot toeing the Middle East and the other set firmly in Europe, Baku Azerbaijan is a fascinating city of contrasts. Our trusty Lonely Planet guide described Baku as “the architectural love child of Paris and Dubai…with plenty of…

  • Sri Lanka

    Visiting Galle Sri Lanka: A UNESCO Gem

    Galle Sri Lanka is a gem. A Unesco World Heritage Site, the historic colonial city is a visual feast of twisting alleyways and crumbling mansions and seaside views. In Galle, fortified walls encircle photogenic buildings and car-free streets. The town’s…

  • Sri Lanka

    Udawalawe Elephant Safari in Sri Lanka

    There’s something so raw and primal about going on safari. About traveling down a dusty roads and coming face to face with animals in the wild. It’s a thrilling sensation that never abates, no matter how many safari parks I…

  • Sri Lanka

    Visiting the Cultural Triangle in Sri Lanka

    At the heels of a drawn-out civil war that effectively erased Sri Lanka from the trodden tourist trail, the small tear-shaped country has emerged as a rewarding travel destination. Despite its tiny size, the island country is replete with things…